
Neil Pasricha writes in his #1 International best seller The Book of Awesome that “….tiny little moments make an awesome difference in many of our rushed, jam- packed lives”.  He goes on to write that “…with so much sad news and bad news pouring down upon us it’s fun to stop for a minute and think about the small joys we often overlook.”

As I read through the book it made me think of how much this message could truly help men and women travelling the journey of separation and divorce.  At such a stressful time in life, when getting through every day and making every decision seems so difficult, it’s tempting to feel like the whole world is falling apart.  Taking the time to enjoy the simple moments in life might just put a smile on your face. Becoming more aware of awesome things like hitting a bunch of green lights in a row, waking up and realizing its Saturday or eating a free sample of something you have no intention of buying will help you appreciate the ‘here and now’.

I must admit, I wasn’t always a ‘glass is half-full’ kind of gal. Over the years I have learned to appreciate life’s little musings; staring out at calm waters, celebrating my dog’s birthday even though she has no idea what’s going on or appreciating the nice guy who allowed me to change lanes. It has had a profound effect on my life, improved my ability to handle what life throws my way and truly helps me enjoy every day so much more.

Try it…it’s awesome!

Sharon Numerow, Financial AdvisorSharon Numerow is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ and the founder and owner of Alberta Divorce Finances. She is also the proprietor of a personal income tax return preparation business. She has worked with clients and lawyers for more than 10 years consulting on divorce finances. She can be reached at (403) 703-7176, View her firm’s Divorce Magazine profile.

1 comment

  1. Nic says:

    The most simple things sometimes makes the most joy in our lives.:D

    I agree that the book will help those men and women who are currently on a divorce situation…