Divorce Affects Everyone’s Bottom Line

One in three marriages end in Divorce!  Divorce leaves scares; families are torn apart as couples fight over their assets and their children.  For those lucky enough to not have experienced the big “D” they look at these families sympathetically, thanking their lucky stars that it is not them.   What they do not realize, is that everyone is affected.  It is only recently, that we have started to consider the economic impact to our society as a whole.

We know that the way a couple chooses to transition through their divorce has a huge impact on almost every aspect of their lives.   By avoiding a lengthy legal battle, they protect their assets, children, career and personal wellbeing.

In the past, companies have stayed out of the personal lives of their employees. However, times are changing and research has shown that happy marriages result in increased profits while unhappy marriages (divorce) hurts profits.

With the rise of divorce rates, our companies are paying dearly for their employee’s divorces.  Loss of time and energy has a direct measurable impact on profitability.  Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s) are positioned well to assist in ensuring that employees seek out alternative dispute resolution options such as mediation to reduce the time, the stress and the negative impact on their careers and the companies they work for.

Companies can and need to play a significant role in assisting and educating their employees so that they can reduce the time and cost associated with divorce for both the employee and the employer.

It’s up to the Human Resource departments to take an active role in this education to reduce the negative economic impact on society as a whole.

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