Facebook and Divorce: Adding Fuel to the Fire?

Woman Looking at Facebook

Divorce Attorneys have noticed an increased number of times Facebook, other internet sites, texts and instant messaging are mentioned by clients when discussing their divorce cases. In fact, one law firm in the UK, which specializes in divorce, claimed almost one in five petitions they processed cited Facebook, according to Divorce On-line.

Divorce lawyers and their clients have been using social media sites to find incriminating evidence. One example is a wife seeking a job on Linked In or Craig’s List after reporting to the courts that she is not able to work. Facebook pictures tell interesting stories about girlfriends taking trips with their married boyfriends. These stories translate into found money for the divorcing spouse which can be considered a marital asset.

According to an April 2010 article. titled “Facebook to Blame for Divorce Boom”, foxnews.com reports  “the dangers of social networking sites for the young are well documented, but increasing numbers of middle-aged users are also having their private lives thrown into turmoil by online activity. www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/04/12/facebook-blame-divorce-boom/

There are inherent emotional dangers in reconnecting with old boyfriends or meeting new friends in chat rooms, especially if one is bored or lonely. As a lawyer, and as a parent, I remind everyone that whatever is posted on the internet stays on the internet. All of us have interesting stories to share. I’d love to hear some of your favorite stories.

Michael C. Craven is a partner at Beermann Swerdlove LLP. He draws on his previous experience as a tax attorney to negotiate and litigate complex financial issues in matrimonial cases. He can be reached at (312) 621-9700 or via email at mccraven@beermannlaw.com. View his Divorce Magazine Profile and website.

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