Is Your Divorce on Life Support?

Many women and men ask me, “Why is my divorce taking so long?”

They also want to know, “What can I do to help things go more smoothly and cost less money?”

I usually find that there are 3 Key Reasons Why you are Stuck in a Divorce that is not moving forward.

1.   You feel overwhelmed and are not sure how to choose an attorney or mediator, or what type of divorce process would be best for you.
2. You are unhappy with the divorce attorney you have started with but are not sure if you should stick with them. Even if you decide to leave your current attorney, how will you know which attorney to choose next and if it will be better than what you have now?
3. You are not sure of how the legal process unfolds and what you can expect when. Communication is not going well between you, your spouse and your attorney or mediator.  You are tired of seeing  that everything is stalled until suddenly decisions are made at the very last minute when you are most frustrated.
If you are feeling like this life support monitor that bounces all over the place, it’s time to get the guidance and support you need right now to get to where you want to be– sooner rather than later.

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