You Just Don’t Do It For Me Anymore!

Those were the harsh words I heard 10 years ago just before 9/11. Sept 11 marks the day the towers came down and with that the chaos and pain that followed.  For me it marks not only the global nightmare but also the time that my personal walls came crashing down.  After 8 years of what I thought was a good marriage my husband announced to me “I just did not do it for him anymore”. At that time we had three young children, 7, 5 and 3 months and so the reality of his words were simply devastating to fathom.

My life at 9/11 took a turn that I did not see coming nor ever contemplated. From that moment on I had to re-write what I thought my future was going to look like and also to come to grips with the false sense of security I had in the past. I remember feeling the incredibly synchronicity between what was happening in New York and what was happening to my life.  Now 10 years later, those who were touched personally by 9/11 are in a different place then they would have been without their loss.  While time does heal wounds, hopefully there have been some miracles and blessings that have come out of the pain and chaos. The murderous terrorist is gone but the scares he has left on thousands of people remains.

I remember believing in my heart that if I was going to have to suffer the pain associated with my husband’s infidelity and the ending of my marriage – that it was not going to be in vain.  I trusted that out of this difficult life event, there would be light at the end of the tunnel.  I felt like a victim but I know that to move forward and rebuild my life I had chose the path of empowerment versus victimization.  I had to trust that out of the ashes of my marriage would come many gifts.  Looking back, I have gratitude for my learning’s.  I have confidence that I can handle what comes my way and I know that while life throws us some pretty difficult curve balls that we can in fact be better for it. Today I am grateful for my husband’s words as they set me free from a marriage that would likely have destroyed my self-esteem over time. I was able to move on create lemonade out of lemons.

My hope is that for those victims of 9/11 that they too have found a way to move on, embrace the past and have gratitude for the blessing that they have in their life today.

1 comment

  1. Germaine says:

    I just read this book and it changed by life with dealing with divorce. It has changed me in a way I can’t explain . Im going to give this book to someone else that is going through the same thing and hope it changes the way they think too!