Posts belonging to Category Financial

A New Year and a Fresh Start: Getting Divorced and Starting Anew

The holidays are always a stressful time. Shopping malls become war zones, extended family members become nightmares, and credit card bills are through the roof. It is no wonder that the end of December seems to be the breaking point for a lot of couples – so much so that divorce and family lawyers often […]

Who gets to claim the kids on their taxes? The IRS rules may surprise you!

The end of the year is here and that means that tax time is coming up. I always write several articles and I blog about tax implications of child support for those parents in the midst of divorce negotiations and for those in the throes of tax preparation because it’s always nice to discover that […]

Moving from attorney representation to self-representation

Often times I will have to coach a client about how to effectively end a relationship with an attorney who they have been working with and walk away with their case files at the same time. There are times when an attorney will want to hold on to the files which then makes it difficult […]

A list of states that routinely charge interest on past due child support and states that sometimes do

Here is the list that I promised of states and where they stand on the interest issue. Because this is really very short and sweet, look for my BONUS blog also posted today. States that routinely charge interest on child support arrears: Alabama Alaska Arizona California Georgia Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North […]

Interest on Child Support Arrearages

Because divorce is a matter of state law, whether interest on past due child support is allowed and how it is calculated depends on the state. Most states charge interest on past due child support. The amount of interest you can collect varies by state. Most states have a fixed annual interest rate, often 10% […]

Pre-Divorce Quiz – Finding the answers BEFORE asking for a divorce may make a difference between the alimony and child support that you get …or don’t get.

Find The Answers Before Asking For A Divorce. It may make the difference between the alimony and child support that you get … or don’t get. DO YOU HAVE OR KNOW WHERE TO FIND… (without asking your spouse) YES (or) NO 1. Your birth certificate? 2. Your spouse’s birth certificate? 3. Birth certificates for each […]