Posts belonging to Category Tips

“Cut Backs in Court Services Create Alternate Forms of Dispute Resolution in High Conflict Families”

Due to the sequestration, there will be seven separate furlough days where the courts will not be operating or will be operating well under staff between now and September, 2013. Also, there are significant layoffs in office staff due to lack of funding and due to the fact that the funding is going towards paying […]

Financial Goals if You’re Separated

Separation may seem a time where you feel in limbo.  You may have some agreements drawn up between you and your estranged spouse, but in some cases, you’re awaiting information, trying to make emotional and practical decisions, and you often feel that you have little control over different aspects of your life. Financially speaking, there […]

How To Survive Divorce Without Bitterness

Since your breakup, are you calling everyone you know and recounting the story over and over and over about how he did that or he said this or can you believe what he’s up to now?  Let me ask you another question then:  What about YOU? You see, I fell into that trap too.  HE […]

Are You Surviving or Thriving During a Divorce?

How do you choose to view your breakup or divorce?  Are you at the point of barely surviving?  Struggling with each day?  Well, there comes a time – and yes, it will come even if you don’t believe me right now – where you’ll turn “surviving” into “thriving.”  How do I know?  Because it happened to […]

Who gets to claim the kids on their taxes? The IRS rules may surprise you!

The end of the year is here and that means that tax time is coming up. I always write several articles and I blog about tax implications of child support for those parents in the midst of divorce negotiations and for those in the throes of tax preparation because it’s always nice to discover that […]

Moving from attorney representation to self-representation

Often times I will have to coach a client about how to effectively end a relationship with an attorney who they have been working with and walk away with their case files at the same time. There are times when an attorney will want to hold on to the files which then makes it difficult […]