Posts belonging to Category How to Divorce

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 2 of a Series

This is the second of a series of articles wherein I share a conversation I had with the executive producer and director of “Divorce Corp.” wherein we discussed the 58 reasons why I was unable to endorse the film.  Since my last article covered points 1 through 5, I will start this article with my […]

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 1 of a Series

As I mentioned in my last article titled “The Hidden Agenda Behind the Making of ‘Divorce Corp.,’” as a condition for watching the movie prior to its release, I agreed to “keep the specific contents and storylines in the movie confidential” until the film’s release. The world theatrical premiere of “Divorce Corp.” was held in […]

The Hidden Agenda Behind the Making of “Divorce Corp.”

On January 9, 2014, My Advocate Center will be hosting the world premier of a documentary film titled “Divorce Corp.” The following day, the film will be released in theaters around the country. AMC’s synopsis of the film is as follows: “A shocking exposA of the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. […]

Inconsistency on the Bench

Apparently, people seem to erroneously believe that because someone happens to be a judge, they are an expert in the field. I can understand why people would have such a false belief, but it leads to mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. If I, God forbid, were diagnosed with cancer, I would seek […]

Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part VII

In my last article from this series, I described how easy it is for love to turn to hate when a parent’s efforts to use their child as a pawn in order to “harm, injure or otherwise extract revenge” against the other parent doesn’t play out as they had intended. In my case, my father […]

The value of Self-Empowerment during the time of divorce

Divorce has its way to hurt a person’s self esteem, confidence and worth. Therefore is it important for you to regain a sense of yourself and focus on YOU through the process of self empowerment. This does not mean to become self-absorbed or to focus on your ego; it rather means to increase your spiritual, […]