Posts belonging to Category Visitation

Do Courts Dispense Justice?

Anyone who truly believes that justice is dispensed in court is in the Twilight Zone. Assuming they function properly, courts apply the law. Who makes the law they apply? Man! Who says the law is just? In fact, the law differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Which is just and to whom? Courts do NOT dispense […]

Things to Consider When Entering into a Parenting Plan

How do you re-establish a bond that never existed? You can’t! You can attempt to establish a bond, but you cannot re-establish something that never existed in the first place. This is the elephant in the room! A parent/child bond is initially formed when the parent cares for a newborn infant and young child. It […]

What you should know about child custody – Part One

Child custody can be much more complicated and expensive than either party recognizes. Before commencing litigation you should be clear as to what you can expect from the court system. My clients often tell me that they desire 100% sole custody. In reality, most people mean they want the child to reside primarily in their […]

Family Law Should Not Be Treated the Same as Other Areas of Law

The laws relating to division of property and support and all other laws pertaining to families vary from state to state. Moreover, the laws change over time. One day the laws go one direction and the next day they could change. In other words, the laws are “arbitrary.” What makes California’s laws on these issues […]

A Comparison Between Actual War and Family Law Litigation

It has long been said that the tongue is sharper than any sword. In fact, the Bible says, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Bible, Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)) Of course, in litigation, we place such words into correspondence, declarations and pleadings in an effort to coerce a […]

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights?

The short response is of course, but with some really strong limitations. Familys these days are diverse – kids, parents, stepparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are all part of the mix. In lots of cases, grandparents play a substantial role in the daily functioning of a healthy family, and can have a tremendous influence […]