
How can you understand the chaotic feelings during a divorce?

Divorce is like grief, and when we grieve there is no right way to do so; nobody grieves ‘correctly’.

The experience is chaotic and circular. Although there is the occurrence of identifiable feelings (such as shock, denial, anger, fear, disbelief, and acceptance), there is not an identifiable linear order to cope with these feelings, and this is what appears to be difficult for most people. There is no formula to teach a person how to overcome the chaotic feelings a divorce can evoke.

The initial reaction of shock stems from an unexpected reality, and places a person in a position where conflict arises between ‘what is’ desired and what ‘there is.’ We feel that we have lost control over our reality, and our lives, and the more we try to control it, and resist accepting it, the more the shock, fear, anxiety, and other feelings will be present in our mind. What we resist, persists!

The fear of letting go and consequently not having control over the situation shakes a person at their core, and people have different ways to react to their perceived loss of control.

The professional literature refers to them in the following way:
1. “Emotional Withdrawers” who turn inwardly and withdraw from friends and social contacts;

2. “Emotional Out-warders” who turn outwards and tell anyone who will listen about their painful situation;

3. “Emotional Runners” who run away from the situation, and are most likely in denial, having difficulties acknowledging the situation.

No matter what your reaction mechanism is, it is important to recognize it and ask yourself why it is that you are acting this way. What is it you are avoiding or afraid seeing, or Feeling, or acknowledging?

Let’s understand the dynamic that takes place at the subconscious. Once married, a person’s identity is largely formed by their partnership and by the support system it provides (family, friends, community, home, stability, security and more). With the loss of marriage, our entire identity is called into question. We must redefine how we identify ourselves in the world.

Redefining the world as we have known it requires the “letting go” of many preconceptions and challenges our sense of safety. If a person is unable to accept these sudden changes (i.e. I do not accept reality as it is and I want it to be different), depression, anxiety and other challenging mental states will emerge.

It is therefore important to understand all these feelings and be aware that they can be an integral part of the divorce process. Hence, it is vital to reach out and seek professional help. There is no shame in seeing a therapist that will help you recognize, make sense of and learn how to deal with all the emotions that surface and can overwhelm you!

Dr. Ronit Lami is an internationally renowned psychologist. Her services include Consulting, Coaching, Affluenza evaluation and Expert witness. She has over 18 years of experience helping your clients through the hardships of divorce. She can be reached at (310) 626-0218, or visit her website


Can we make a divorce more amicable?

A divorce by its nature is not charming. However, is there a way to aim to make it amicable?  

The internal experience of divorce usually mimics the experience of the death of a loved one. Although the person is not dead, we have lost them.  The problem does not end here, because together with it comes the loss of our home, the security we have had, our finances, the comfort, intimacy, friends, and more.

Basically, we need to recognize that we are going through a process that shares feelings with grief. Dr E. Ross-Kobler who worked for many years with terminally ill patients has identified 5 stages a person may go through while grieving a loss of any kind, and they are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. A normal question to ask is: if in our present experience we go through so many challenging emotions, how is it possible to expect an amicable divorce? 

True, but nonetheless, our responsibility is to respect our feelings, but aim to have amicable divorce for the sake of our children and our own well-being!

Therefore, it is important to learn some strategies that would help you to: (a) deal with the loss and pain, (b) find effective pathways to ease the process, and (c) end up with a peaceful outcome.

Here are some useful and practical suggestions:

1. Pay attention to your feelings

It is normal to experience emotional hurt or pain. For example, it is difficult to accept the rejection… or you may feel emptiness when you think of your future… or you experience anger and feel resentful… you are angry at God… you worry that you cannot share your life with someone again… you feel betrayed, unworthy, confused, fragmented, vulnerable, broken and more…

No matter what your feelings are, they are valid. Yes, the feelings can be validated and acknowledged, but they must not take over and stay with you forever. You have to recognize that keeping these feelings will cloud your judgment, will sabotage the suitable progress of your divorce process, and will prevent you from achieving an amicable divorce.

If you realize that it is difficult for you to go through the changes and emotions, please seek the help of a mental health professional. A neutral party will help you deal with all that you feel, as well as with the possible loss of trust, respect and affection. You will also gain coping strategies and feel supported during the unpleasant process.

2. Create a healthy emotional life for your children

If you have children please make sure that neither parent use them as weapons against the other. Deep harm can be caused when parents expose their children to the conflict and bitterness between each other. As a parent (regardless of what the attitude of your spouse may be), you have a paramount responsibility to make sure that they are not trapped in a situation where they are required to show loyalty to either parent. Or that they need to choose between your or your spouse, e.g. “If you love me you will…” This is a classic manipulation that puts your child in a bind. Learn to be aware of your negative feelings so you avoid emotional transference, which will only poison your children.

You goal is to deal with the situation with the following perspective in mind: “what would be best for our children?” Therefore your answers to the questions like: “How do we agree on custody,” “What is the best way to arrange visitations,” “How can we as parents share the responsibilities,” should all be based upon: what is best for my children.

3. Have an attorney you feel comfortable with

If court and attorneys are not your forte[P1] , you have to develop an attitude that sees the positive side of dealing with court and attorneys. This will shift your perception and make you feel less bothered by the situation. If you find an attorney that you feel comfortable with and believe he/she shares similar beliefs to the ones you do, it will help you make your divorce more amicable. The aggressive attorney is not always the right solution for you!  An attorney’s tricks that are not aligned with your beliefs or style can frustrate you and add to your stress.

Share that you intend to build a sound financial plan and assist your attorney by preparing all the necessary documents.  Share with him/her that your aim is to work it through in an amicable way. This may cause your spouse to be enrolled into your desires and could eliminate many arguments.

4. Refrain from talking about your ex-spouse in a negative manner

Develop a habit of not saying anything negative about your ex. This will help your children, family and friends. When people notice that you do not say anything negative about your ex-spouse, their need to say anything or take sides will subside. Share with them that your aim is to establish an amicable divorce.  

5. Put your focus on your future life

Create an environment in which you do not have long-lasting memories of your marriage. Start letting go of any emotional attachment you may have to “external things/items.” This will help you to stop fighting over them.

When you “let go” of the past, you open yourself to a better future. You allow the infinite wisdom of the creator to bring to you new things. if you still hold on to the past, you are not available for new things to come to you.

Aim at implementing the above and you may be surprised how much less straining your divorce process can be!

Dr. Ronit Lami is an internationally renowned psychologist. Her services include Consulting, Coaching, Affluenza evaluation and Expert witness. She has over 18 years of experience helping your clients through the hardships of divorce. She can be reached at (310) 626-0218, or visit her website



 [P1]this means strong suit or talent, how does this relate to it being negative necessarily? Don’t know how to replace this without changing it too much…

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 11 of a Series

This is the eleventh and final part of a series of articles wherein I share a conversation I had with the executive producer and director of “Divorce Corp.” wherein we discussed the 58 reasons why I was unable to endorse the film. Since my last article covered points 46 through 50, I will start this article with my 51st point. In an effort to eliminate any possible confusion, the items in italics are my responses to Mr. Sorge. They are in italics because those responses were never sent to him.

Mark Baer:
“Fifty first, family law increases violence – agreed!”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty second, of course lawyers have to establish themes and convey information in a story fashion – people relate to stories and grasp themes – judges are people.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty third, most family law judges had no family law experience (at least in California) and most don’t like it and don’t understand how the emotions play out – a BAD combination.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty fourth, just because someone is a family law judge doesn’t mean they are a good parent. This goes to judicial bias.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty fifth, what came first, the chicken or the egg? I majored in economics/business. There is a concept called supply and demand. If the public wanted a different type of attorney, the supply would exist. If the public wanted mediation, there would be more mediation.”

Joe Sorge:
“The public would love mediation if they could not otherwise win more in court. Take away the financial rewards associated with the adversarial system and mediation would become the norm (as it is in Scandinavia).”

Obviously, there are times when someone “wins” more in court than they might have obtained through mediation. However, it is incorrect to state that “the public would love mediation if they could not otherwise win more in court.” I recently published an article titled “What’s Truth Got to Do With It?” In that article, I address the reality that lawyers and mediators “cannot predict what a trial judge will decide.” Furthermore, the research shows that seasoned lawyers are no better at making such predictions than lawyers with less experience. Moreover, “research also shows that if the marital estate is $4,000,000.00 or less, any financial gains obtained through aggressively litigating the case will generally be less than the attorneys fees and costs incurred in obtaining such gains. While any financial gains obtained through aggressively litigating high-net worth cases (marital estates above $4,000,000.00) may be more than the attorneys fees and costs incurred in obtaining such gains, the parties should also consider the emotional toll and permanent damage it will cause the family. It’s always preferable to use alternative methods such as mediation and collaborative divorce over a long and drawn-out courtroom battle. 

Couples that aggressively litigate their divorce case generally suffer severe emotional wounds which remain with them for a significant amount of time and which often prevent them from allowing closure and moving forward with their lives.” Considering the financial and emotional cost involved in litigation, the damage that it causes to the litigants themselves and the family dynamics going forward, let alone the collateral damage caused to the children, what exactly is a “win” and at what cost does it come?

As I mentioned in Part 10 of this series, the adversarial system does not provide “rewards.” We don’t need to take away something that doesn’t exist in order for mediation to become the norm, as it is in the Scandinavian countries and elsewhere. Instead, we need to actually do what they have done in the Scandinavian counties and elsewhere and change the default process from litigation to mediation. 

It seems to me that Mr. Sorge’s perspective is skewed based upon his perception of how his family law case went down.  If you take Mr. Sorge’s response to my comment with the background of his own family law case, you will see what he means.  It is abundantly clear in Marriage of Sorge that his ex-wife received far more in court than she ever would have in mediation.  However, the reason this occurred is because Mr. Sorge wouldn’t give her dirt unless and until he was forced to do so by the court.  If the family law courts didn’t exist, Mr. Sorge could have just walked away from the negotiation table (if he even bothered attending) and told his ex-wife to go “pound sand” and there would have been nothing she could have done.  The courts and laws are designed to level the playing field and to prevent those in power or with means from mistreating those without power or means.  Mr. Sorge has both power and means and he does not like the fact that the courts and laws level the playing field, at least in theory.

Mark Baer:
“Fifty sixth, I agree that litigation is poorly suited for families.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty seventh, I agree that custody is a fighting word.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fifty eighth, I agree that our system is barbaric.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:

“I agree that we need major reform. However, I believe that you are spreading false and misleading information and will not endorse this film – quite the contrary.”

Joe Sorge:
“See, we agree on so much. We just want to take the reforms farther and accomplish them faster. I fully respect your positions, and know that they come from a good place. I’d be happy to discuss the points on which we disagree further if you like.”

In fact, Mr. Sorge and I did speak shortly after I had received his responses to my comments. I must admit that Mr. Sorge and I agree on some issues and disagree on others. Nevertheless, he has always been extremely pleasant and polite with me.

Furthermore, I sent him an email on January 13, 2014 which stated in pertinent part as follows:

“I wanted to congratulate you on the incredible response you have been receiving from ‘Divorce Corp.’ As I am sure you know, I have been writing a series of articles based upon our exchange following the comments I made about the film. As you noted, “While we do not agree on all points, we agree on many, and that’s a good start.” I wanted to let you know that I could not be more thrilled with the attention and response your film is receiving. I have been advocating for a complete overhaul of the system (and not just with regard to family law) for quite a while, but my focus has been on family law. Over the years, I believe that I have gotten through to some people and helped to bring about much more attention to mediation and collaborative divorce and the horrors of litigation. To be quite frank, I don’t handle my cases in court, so it wouldn’t really impact me at all if the courts were eliminated from the process. However, for the reasons I have set forth in my ongoing series of articles, I unfortunately believe that court is necessary for a certain percentage of the population….

In any event, I firmly believe that a film such as yours was what was required in order to force necessary changes to a very destructive process.

Thank you! By the way, if you do want to involve me in any panels or discussions, I would love to participate.”

Mr. Sorge responded as follows:

“Hopefully we can reduce litigation by removing the reward for litigating. I keep looking to the Scandinavian model where there is far more discussion and compromise, and far less litigation. While their culture is different, the main reason they do not fight in court is that there is little to ‘win.’ My upcoming book, Divorce Corp, discusses ways in which the U.S could adopt some of the improvements found in the Scandinavian system, while still preserving the option for couples to elect to live a more traditional life style in which support obligations are contractual rather than statutory.

I would be delighted if you wished to participate in a conference we plan to organize on family law reform.”

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 10 of a Series

This is the tenth of a series of articles wherein I share a conversation I had with the executive producer and director of “Divorce Corp.” wherein we discussed the 58 reasons why I was unable to endorse the film. Since my last article covered points 41 through 45, I will start this article with my 46th point. In an effort to eliminate any possible confusion, the items in italics are my responses to Mr. Sorge. They are in italics because those responses were never sent to him.

Mark Baer:
“Forty sixth, people abuse the system – say it isn’t so! They do this everywhere. In fact, disabled people no longer get priority at Disneyland because wealthy people were paying them to help them get to the front of the line. This harms those who are disabled. Clearly, this problem is not limited to family law court or courts in general.”

Joe Sorge:
“Agreed. Take away the incentives inadvertently granted to people who abuse the system, and the abuse will be vastly reduced.”

As I keep saying, the flaws are not “incentives inadvertently granted to people who abuse the system.”

The problem is far more complex. First, the default process for resolving family law matters in the United States is litigation. It should be noted that according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition, the definition of “adversary” is “enemy.” In other words, the adversarial process is designed to resolve disputes between enemies. Just because spouses happen to be divorcing does not mean that they are enemies. While they may not like or respect each other and while they may distrust and disagree with each other, that does not necessarily make them enemies. The problem is that if you place people who are not already enemies into a process that is designed for enemies, you create enemies. How many people do you know who have sued each other and have remained friendly? I have been to parties in which problems arose because two people who had been on opposite sides of a lawsuit were seated at the same table at a party. If they are even willing to remain at the party, they invariably insist on being moved to a different table. Is it wise to subject spouses to such a process, especially considering that they frequently have children together? How does this impact the family dynamics from that day forward? Considering that parents are essentially bound together for life because of their children, isn’t there a better way of handling such matters?

I am going to repeat myself once again – mediation and collaborative divorce are processes designed to assist people in reaching agreements by reducing the level of conflict and rebuilding trust. Doesn’t that make more sense when those involved in the dispute will have an ongoing relationship, whether they like it or not? After all, the family still exists after the marriage ends. Therefore, we must do what has been done in the Scandinavian counties and elsewhere, and change the default process from litigation to mediation. Is this going to eliminate the need for some people to litigate their divorces? No.

Richard F. Lazur, Psy.D. wrote an article titled “When Emotions Swell and Threaten Capsize.” Making some minor alterations to something he wrote in that article, I have concluded that the following individuals must see the inside of a courtroom:

“If a client is entrenched in an immutable position, closed off from considering possible alternatives, or calcified in a belief system, no matter how competent the [professionals involved], that person is unwilling to move. These people are recognized by the rigor, brutality, and callousness of their emotional stances. Elements of cruelty, enmity, and/or sadism as present either in their relations or in representations of their interactions. They are a closed channel. Nothing gets in and change is not possible. While litigation is likely to be drawn out, vicious, and expensive, these people are not good candidates for [resolving their matter outside of a courtroom]. They only want their way, with no room for negotiation. These individuals experience a significant insult at the very core of their personality. Offended by the failure of the promise of marriage, their dreams have been smashed. Unable to reconstitute their resources, nothing can ameliorate their dissatisfaction. They want to be right and no matter what the ‘offending’ spouse offers, it is never enough. These are the people who want the judge to side with them and vindicate their experience of loss. They want to win.

For the majority of clients, however, who temporarily are thrown off their game by the tsunami of feelings intrinsic in a divorce, the [professionals involved] are able to lend a hand in their navigation of the emotional currents.”

I have found this to be completely accurate and read this to all of my clients because I don’t want them wasting their time with me, if they, their spouse or both of them fall into that category.

The following quote from Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. appeared in the 4th article in this series:

“One or both parties in many (most?) Family Court cases today have a mental health issue that is unrecognized – such as a personality disorder, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, depression – disorders which are often characterized by denial and blaming others. This reflects the growth of these problems in the larger society today. These are not problems unique to Family Court, but Family Courts need to recognize them.”

J. Kim Wright recently shared the following with me:

“A judge told me that he never sees anyone in custody court unless one of them has a personality disorder, addiction or impairment. All others have resolved long before they come to him. (He pointed out that sometimes it is not the client who is impaired, rather the lawyer.)

The presumption ought to be that two parents know what is best for their children. If they are unable to agree and therefore end up abdicating their roles to the Court, the presumption ought to be that they’re in need of serious therapy and that the children probably need more.”

I completely agree with that assessment.

If you pay close attention to what that judge told Ms. Wright, you will notice that “sometimes it is not the client who is impaired, rather the lawyer.” This unfortunate problem can be rectified if people stopped seeking out lawyers who they describe as “sharks,” “pit bulls,” and “very aggressive.” I cannot say it enough – aggressive lawyering is counter-productive. What clients should be looking for in a family law attorney is someone who is “caring and competent.”

In any event, cases involving such individuals are most likely those that will ultimately end up in litigation, and this is true regardless of whether the matter is in a Scandinavian country or anywhere else. However, as Bill Eddy said, “Sadly, Family Courts provide a forum for people with such problems today (in contrast to when I began practicing law), especially because family lawyers, judges and other professionals are not trained in identifying mental health issues, get stuck arguing about them out of ignorance and there are few mental health resources for treating them even if they were properly identified. Family courts were never designed to diagnose and treat mental health issues, and the adversarial process is guaranteed to fail at it. Reforms need to involve more mental health training for professionals and more conflict resolution skills for clients to help them make decisions out of court in non-adversarial settings.”

When such individuals are involved in a family law matter, I am afraid that there is no easy or simple solution to the problem. Most certainly, the answer is not to get rid of family law courts because it is a false assumption that when such individuals are involved that the people will be able to “go their separate ways without judges.”

Mark Baer:
“Forty seventh, I agree that restraining orders are way overused and that there are consequences.

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Forty eighth, I have a problem with a 51% burden of proof standard – too low? YES! However, although the “clear and convincing’ standard is technically a higher burden of proof, “the distinction is more perception than reality. The judge merely says that they applied the higher standard, but did nothing differently than apply the preponderance of the evidence standard and state otherwise.” Of course, it is not unheard of for the innocent people to get convicted and guilty people to be found not guilty even when we apply the “beyond a reasonable doubt standard.” As you can see, problems are not easily solved, when those empowered to do certain things don’t properly perform their job duties.

Furthermore, among other things, a judge is a trier of fact. Judges are supposed to make factual findings and then apply the law to the facts in order to render a legal decision. Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that many judges find the facts that allow them to make the decision they want to make. This is backwards and in my opinion completely inappropriate. Moreover, as I mentioned in Part 7 of this series, “judges are given a great deal of discretion and factual findings are not reversible by the appellate court.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Forty ninth, do attorneys assist their clients in committing perjury? Some! Here are a few of my recent Facebook postings: ‘Avoiding disciplinary actions for misconduct is a simple process when boiled down to a few rules, according to San Francisco-based California State Bar prosecutor Susan Chang.

‘Don’t lie, don’t steal and don’t cheat,’ Chang said in suggesting how to avoid bar disciplinary action. ‘It’s what you learn in kindergarten.’’

The above quote is from an article by David Ruiz titled ‘State Bar prosecutor advises attorneys how to avoid trouble’ that was published in the October 11, 2013 edition of the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

I don’t know about you, but I find it incredibly sad that so many lawyers cannot abide by such basic ‘rules.’

I now understand the problem with our ‘legal system.’ It seems that many lawyers confuse giving legal advice with giving advice as to how to get away with illegal activities. I knew there had to be an answer.

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Fiftieth, Facebook and the internet are not private! Nobody ever said they were – quite the contrary. Furthermore, I am constantly attacking the legal system and judges and don’t seem to get into trouble. It is the way in which it is done that is key!”

Joe Sorge:
“Yes, but be careful. Are you aware of Michelle MacDonald, an attorney in Minnesota who recently filed a federal suit against a family court judge? The judge subsequently had the bailiffs handcuff her to a wheelchair and throw her into a holding cell overnight. I don’t think it was inaccurate for Dan Brewington to allege that his judge abused his daughters to the extent that the judge denied them access to their father. We think the judge should have gone to prison, not Dan.”

I am afraid that I don’t know anything about the Michelle MacDonald matter and can therefore not comment. However, I have never said that judicial corruption doesn’t exist or that some judges are unsuited to hold such a position. Nevertheless, Divorce Corp. takes highly unusual situations and makes it appear as though it were the norm, which is false and misleading!

To be continued…

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 9 of a Series

This is the ninth of a series of articles wherein I share a conversation I had with the executive producer and director of “Divorce Corp.” wherein we discussed the 58 reasons why I was unable to endorse the film. Since my last article covered points 36 through 40, I will start this article with my 41st point. In an effort to eliminate any possible confusion, the items in italics are my responses to Mr. Sorge. They are in italics because those responses were never sent to him.

Mark Baer:
“Forty first, I agree that it is a tragedy that a low income spouse can sometimes pay a high net worth spouse child support. In fact, I touched upon this issue in part in my article titled “New Spouse Income and Child Support in California.”  This drives me nuts!”

Joe Sorge:
“Agreed. It’s an egregious flaw in an otherwise terribly flawed formula.”

Mark Baer:
“Forty second, I agree that the interest on unpaid support is high, but it is the same as any other judgment in any other area of law.”

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Forty third, attorneys’ fees contributions are supposed to level the playing field. Without them, the more financially sound spouse can do anything and everything they want.”

Joe Sorge:
“Our solution is to eliminate the need for litigators. Then this issue goes away.”

For the reasons I mentioned in the 7th part of this series, “eliminating the need for litigators” does not make this issue go away. Rather, it allows the spouse with the financial resources to just “take their toys and leave” if they cannot get their way, and there would be absolutely nothing that the weaker spouse could do about it.

Mark Baer:
“Forty fourth, I agree that perjury is rampant in family law court. However, it is rampant everywhere and I have my own theory regarding addressing that issue. I do, however, agree that there should be penalties for perjury. In fact, I have published the following articles on just this issue:  (1) Does Anyone Tell the Truth Any Longer?; (2) Is there a Penalty for Perjury?; (3) Philosophy and the Law; (4) Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part IV; (5) Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part VI; and (6) Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part VII.

Joe Sorge:
“We agree regarding perjury.”

Mark Baer:
“Forty fifth, I agree that NEITHER judges nor juries seem capable of deciphering truth from fiction. This is a serious issue.” I have addressed this issue in the following articles: (1) Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part IV; (2) Important Distinctions Between Litigation and Mediation; (3) Things to Consider before Litigating; (4) Inconsistency on the Bench; (5) Judicial Bias in Family Court; (6) What’s Truth Got to Do with It?; and Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part VII.

“We agree. Again, take away the incentive to lie and most good people will stop lying.”

For reasons I have stated, the “incentive to lie” has to do with anger and other emotions that spouses are experiencing when they are divorcing. I am afraid that eliminating family courts and the other “solutions” proposed by Mr. Sorge fail to address the actual problem. By addressing the underlying emotional issues, you surgically remove the true “incentives to lie” that people have when divorcing. As I have said repeatedly, this can be accomplished through mediation and collaborative divorce. If handled properly, those processes are designed to reduce the level of conflict, rebuild trust and address the underlying emotional needs of the spouses. This is a one hundred and eighty degree difference from litigation, which tends to exacerbate emotions and the level of conflict and breed paranoia. By changing the default process from litigation to mediation, we can properly address this problem. 

To be continued….

A Conversation between Joe Sorge and Mark Baer Regarding ‘Divorce Corp.’: Part 8 of a Series

This is the eighth of a series of articles wherein I share a conversation I had with the executive producer and director of “Divorce Corp.” wherein we discussed the 58 reasons why I was unable to endorse the film. Since my last article covered points 31 through 35, I will start this article with my 36th point. In an effort to eliminate any possible confusion, the items in italics are my responses to Mr. Sorge. They are in italics because those responses were never sent to him.

Mark Baer:
“Thirty sixth, I was a child of divorce and I will be the first to tell you that parents bribe their children’s affections and children tend to prefer the parent with the financial means – Sorry, but I must disagree with you on that one as well.”

Joe Sorge:
“We do agree that it is possible for parents to bribe their children with material rewards. It is also possible to alienate a parent through psychological manipulation of the children. But the incentive to do either would be vastly reduced if child support were not based on custody time.”

I respectfully disagree. The reason that parents either bribe their children with material rewards or alienate a parent through psychological manipulation of the children is because of their desire to compete with each other or out of anger and other such things.

Let’s take a simple example of how the percentage time share impacts the amount of child support. Let’s say that there is 1 child, mother earns gross income of $5,000.00 per month, father earns gross income of $10,000.00 per month, mother files as head-of-household, and father files as single. The Guideline child support that father would pay mother would be $366.00 per month if father had 50% timeshare, $631.00 per month if father had 40% timeshare, $853.00 per month if father had 30% timeshare, $1,037.00 per month if father had 20% timeshare, $1,179.00 per month if father had 10% timeshare, and $1,280.00 if father had 0% timeshare. Furthermore, the more time that a parent spends with their children, the more it costs them to care for them. Moreover, if father had 50% timeshare, he would need more space in his home than if he had no child living with him. In this example, father pays mother $914.00 more per month if he has no visitation than if he has a 50% timeshare. How much more is it costing mother to have the child that additional 50%? How much more would it cost father if he had the child 50% of the time? I discussed this concept in an article titled “Cost of Raising a Child Calculation Tool – Issues Involving Child Support.”

However, I would not be entirely forthright if I completely disagreed with Mr. Sorge on this issue.  In fact, in my article titled Lessons I Learned from My Parents: Part V, I stated, “While we like to pretend that custody battles are not related to the child support associated therewith, such faux ignorance is by no means blissful.”  Nevertheless, the reality is that the parents manipulation with regard to the issue of child support are based upon a misunderstanding of the purpose of child support, for the reasons set forth in the above example.  That being said, I could also argue that the reason that Mr. Sorge produced and directed this extremely biased and misleading film is because he wants to manipulate the entire family law system to accomplish his own selfish desires.  As previously stated, one such desire is to reduce his child support obligation to an amount that could be paid by a parent of very low means.

Now, if we changed the default process from litigation to mediation, that would be a real solution to the problem.  Litigation is an adversarial process in which both parties play to “win.”  When a family is involved and both spouses are playing to “win,” the family dynamic is destroyed.  An unfortunate byproduct of litigation is that it exacerbates the level of conflict, increases distrust and breeds paranoia.  Doesn’t it make more sense to resolve family matters in a process that is designed to reduce the level of conflict and rebuild trust?  Wouldn’t that “solve the problem?”

Mark Baer:
“Thirty seventh, I think that marriages are partnerships and that one spouse may sacrifice for the other for many reasons. To later deny them spousal support is offensive.”

Joe Sorge:
“We agree, but only in cases where the parties have elected to differentiate their roles. In that case they can enter into a private agreement that provides for the dependent spouse upon divorce. But to make this the default for all marriages is beyond inappropriate and inefficient in 2013. Both spouses work in 85% of modern married households. The laws are out of date, and they put 85% of divorcing couples through an unnecessary and expensive adversarial process.”

With all due respect, Mr. Sorge, while you were married to your wife, she was accustomed to living a certain standard of living based upon your immense wealth. To say that she should suddenly start to live at a standard that she could afford on her own because you divorce is selfish and self-serving. In fact, not only would you have liked for her not to have received spousal support from you, but you would have liked her to receive an amount of child support at the same amount that a person at the lowest income level could afford to pay. To say that I am disgusted by this perspective would be an understatement. As I have said before, “what are the terms of your pre-marital agreement? They can either be the terms set forth in the Family Code or terms that you specifically negotiated as part of the pre-marital agreement.” Don’t call foul, when you opted not to negotiate this issue in a pre-marital agreement. Furthermore, don’t mislead people into believing that premarital agreements don’t work. Such agreements work if they are done properly and if the spouses don’t do things during the marriage to essentially invalidate the agreement.

Moreover, as I keep saying we don’t need to put couples into an “unnecessary and expensive adversarial process.”  This issue can be solved merely by changing the default process from litigation to mediation, which is non-adversarial. 

Mark Baer:
“Thirty eighth, I agree that people fight over timeshare because it impact child support. However, it is often more perception than reality.

Joe Sorge:

Mark Baer:
“Thirty ninth, I do, however, agree that it is a problem that the support is based on earnings and not how it is spent.”

Joe Sorge:
“Thank you. YES! YES!!”

Mark Baer:
“Fortieth, of course child support can be re-litigated at any time – because children can be ‘bought’ and changes in ability affect that and many other things.”

Joe Sorge:
“Fine. But make child support the same fixed amount for every child in the state, and the litigation will drop dramatically.”

For reasons previously stated, this will not decrease the amount of litigation, but will cause the amount of child support paid per child to be low enough that even those least capable of paying the support could afford to pay it. Why again is that same figure appropriate for someone worth in excess of $100 Million?  Furthermore, as was addressed in Part 6 of this series, Guideline child support has significantly reduced litigation with regard to child support issues.  

To be continued….